Add your own metrics

Add your own metrics#

Even though molflux.metrics comes with built-in metrics, you may want to add your own awesome metric. In this guide, we will go through two ways you can do this.

Temporary metrics#

The first method is by registering your metric temporarily. This is useful in cases when you are still prototyping and would like to have easy access to your metric code and modify it.

For a metric to be available in molflux.metrics, it must have a metric class. The basic skeleton looks like this

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import datasets

from molflux.metrics.catalogue import register_metric
from molflux.metrics.bases import HFMetric
from molflux.metrics.typing import ArrayLike, MetricResult

My new metric.

@register_metric(kind = "custom", name = "your_metric_name")
class YourMetricName(HFMetric):

    def _info(self) -> datasets.MetricInfo:
        return datasets.MetricInfo(
                    "predictions": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("float64")),
                    "references": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("float64")),

    def _score(
        predictions: ArrayLike,
        references: ArrayLike,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> MetricResult:

        my_metric = 0

        return {self.tag: my_metric}

from molflux.metrics import load_metric

metric = load_metric("your_metric_name")

	name: "your_metric_name",
	tag: "your_metric_name",
	features: {'predictions': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='float64', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'references': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='float64', id=None), length=-1, id=None)},
	signature: self.compute(*, predictions: Any, references: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, typing.Any],
	description: """
My new metric.
	usage: """"""
	state: {}

Let’s break this down.

This specific metric is built on top of HuggingFace metrics. This is not necessary and you can override it if you wish and build your own metric from scratch. Here, we use HuggingFace metrics because they provide a lot of convenient features.

Start by creating a class (you can name it whatever you like, the class name does not impact how the metric will appear in molflux.metrics). If you wish to use the HuggingFace features, then the class must inherit HFMetric from molflux.metrics.

Next, since we are adding this metric temporarily, you need to register it (basically make it available in molflux.metrics) by adding the decorator register_metric to the class. Here, you specify the kind (under which your metric will be discovered in the molflux.metrics catalogue) and name of your model (this is how your metric will be loaded).

Next, you should also add a description to your metric. This is done by adding an _info method which returns a MetricInfo object.

Finally, you need to implement the _score method. This is the method used to compute the metric. There are two requirements:

  • Signature: The _metric method must have the following arguments

    • A predictions argument of type ArrayLike. This is the list of predictions.

    • A references argument of type ArrayLike. This is the list of ground truths.

    • After that, you can add all the optional arguments for computing the metric with default values.

    • Finally, you need to have **kwargs: Any (this is for mypy type checking reasons).

  • Return type: The _score method must return a dictionary of the computed metric with string identifiers as keys (can be anything but it is recommended that you use self.tag, the metric tag which is automatically generated) and the metrics as values. You can return multiple metrics from the same metric as a dictionary with multiple key, value pairs.

Et voilà ! As you can see from the python cell above, the metric was loaded using molflux.metrics!

Permanent metrics#

If you have settled on a metric and would like to have it as part of a package, you can still use the above method to do this (add a script to your repo with the above code). If you do this, your metric will only be available in molflux.metrics if you have imported your package (and also imported the metric class from your package).

To avoid this, we strongly recommended that you add your metric as a plugin (to learn more about plugins see here). Using this method, your metric will appear and be available in molflux.metrics automatically (you just need to have it pip installed in the same environment).

To begin with, add your metric class to your repo (this can be any repo, not necessarily molflux.metrics). Next, get rid of the register_metric decorator (it’s no longer needed).

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import datasets
from molflux.metrics.bases import HFMetric
from molflux.metrics.typing import ArrayLike, MetricResult

My new metric.

class YourMetricName(HFMetric):

    def _info(self) -> datasets.MetricInfo:
        return datasets.MetricInfo(
                    "predictions": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("float64")),
                    "references": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("float64")),

    def _score(
        predictions: ArrayLike,
        references: ArrayLike,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> MetricResult:

        my_metric = 0

        return {self.tag: my_metric}

Now, go to the pyproject.toml file of your repo and under [project.entry-points.'molflux.metrics.plugins.pluging_name'], add a plugin to your representation class as follows

name_of_metric = ''


You can also do this in the setup.cfg file of your repo and under [options.entry_points]. Add a plugin to your metric class as follows

molflux.metrics.plugins.kind_of_representation =
   name_of_metrics =

Let’s break this down. This entry point allows molflux.metrics to detect your metric (you need to have both molflux.metrics and your package installed in the same environment, the order of installation does not matter). In the plugin definition, you can specify the kind of your metric. Next, you specify the path to the class of your metric. Here you define the name of your metric.

And that’s it! You can now find your metric available in molflux.metrics.