
The Allegro model as proposed in Learning Local Equivariant Representations for Large-Scale Atomistic Dynamics.


The base allegro_model as proposed in the original paper. It has the ability to output graph scalars, node scalars, and a node vector. The model has the following config

  • num_node_feats: int

    The number of node features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_edge_feats: int

    The number of edge features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_layers: int = 2

    The number of Allegro layers.

  • max_ell: int = 2

    The maximum SO(3) irreps dimension to use in the model (during interactions)

  • parity: bool = True

    Whether to use parity odd features in the model

  • mlp_irreps: str = "16x0e"

    The output MLP irreps.

  • mlp_latent_dimensions: List[int] = [128]

    The MLP dimensions.

  • latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: List[int] = [1024, 1024, 1024]

    The latent MLP dimensions.

  • env_embed_multiplicity: int = 32

    The environment embedding multiplicity.

  • two_body_latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: List[int] = [128, 256, 512, 1024]

    The two body interaction MLP dimensions.

  • num_bessel: int = 8

    The highest order of bessel functions to use.

  • bessel_basis_trainable: bool = True

    Whether the bessel basis has trainable weights

  • num_polynomial_cutoff: int = 6

    The cut-off polynomial envelope power.

  • avg_num_neighbours: Optional[float] = None

    The average number of neighbours in the dataset.

  • embed_initial_edge: bool = True

    Whether to embed the initial edge features.

  • latent_resnet: bool = True

    Whether to use a latent resnet.

  • scaling_mean: float = 0.0

    The scaling mean of the model output. This is usually computed as the mean of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy) / molecule_num_atoms

  • scaling_std: float = 1.0

    The scaling std of the model output. This is usually computed as the std of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy)

  • compute_forces: bool = False

    Whether to compute forces as the gradient of the y_graph_scalars and use those as the y_node_vector output.

  • y_node_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_scalars.

  • y_node_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_vector.

  • y_graph_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_scalars.

Supervised mean and variance#

The mean_var_allegro_model which predicts a mean and variance for the y_graph_scalars during training and inference. It has the same comfig as the allegro_model but without the ability to specify a y_graph_scalars_loss_config which is hardcoded to be the torch.nn.GaussianNLLLoss. The model config is as follows

  • num_node_feats: int

    The number of node features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_edge_feats: int

    The number of edge features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_layers: int = 2

    The number of Allegro layers.

  • max_ell: int = 2

    The maximum SO(3) irreps dimension to use in the model (during interactions)

  • parity: bool = True

    Whether to use parity odd features in the model

  • mlp_irreps: str = "16x0e"

    The output MLP irreps.

  • mlp_latent_dimensions: List[int] = [128]

    The MLP dimensions.

  • latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: List[int] = [1024, 1024, 1024]

    The latent MLP dimensions.

  • env_embed_multiplicity: int = 32

    The environment embedding multiplicity.

  • two_body_latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: List[int] = [128, 256, 512, 1024]

    The two body interaction MLP dimensions.

  • num_bessel: int = 8

    The highest order of bessel functions to use.

  • bessel_basis_trainable: bool = True

    Whether the bessel basis has trainable weights

  • num_polynomial_cutoff: int = 6

    The cut-off polynomial envelope power.

  • avg_num_neighbours: Optional[float] = None

    The average number of neighbours in the dataset.

  • embed_initial_edge: bool = True

    Whether to embed the initial edge features.

  • latent_resnet: bool = True

    Whether to use a latent resnet.

  • scaling_mean: float = 0.0

    The scaling mean of the model output. This is usually computed as the mean of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy) / molecule_num_atoms

  • scaling_std: float = 1.0

    The scaling std of the model output. This is usually computed as the std of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy)

  • compute_forces: bool = False

    Whether to compute forces as the gradient of the y_graph_scalars and use those as the y_node_vector output.

  • y_node_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_scalars.

  • y_node_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_vector.