Torch layer#

The lowest layer is the torch layer. This consists of the torch dataset, dataloader, optimizers, and schedulers.


In the physicsml package most models are graph based, meaning that they can all share the same low-level graph dataset. Once the featurised data is given to the train or predict methods, it is internally converted to a torch compatible dataset. This dataset is built on top of torch-geometric (see their docs), an excellent library for graph-based torch modelling. In general, a model developer will rarely have to worry about this (unless they are implementing a special kind of model that requires extra inputs).

The only exception to this is the ANI models. They require a special dataset (which is simpler) since the only inputs they use are species and coordinates.


Again, we use the torch-geometric dataloading for all models except for the ANI models. Model developers will rarely have to modify this unless their models require additional inputs. Here, we will describe what a batch from each dataloader looks like and what you need to expect as an input to your model.

torch-geometric batch#

A torch-geometric batch contains the following key-value pairs

  • num_nodes: Shape = torch.Size([]), Type = torch.int64

    The total number of nodes in the batch.

  • edge_index: Shape = torch.Size([2, num_edges]) Type = torch.int64.

    The edge indices (receiver, sender). They are concatenated with a cumulative shift of the number of nodes in previous graphs (for batch GNN operations like scatter).

  • node_attrs: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes, dim_node_attrs]) Type = torch.float32

    The node attributes (i.e. initial node features). It is a good idea to keep these distinct from node features (for downstream operations which require the original node attributes).

  • edge_attrs: Shape = torch.Size([num_edges, dim_edge_attrs]) Type = torch.float32

    The edge attributes (i.e. initial edge features). It is a good idea to keep these distinct from edge features (for downstream operations which require the original edge attributes).

  • graph_attrs: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs, dim_graph_attrs]) Type = torch.float32

    The graph attributes.

  • coordinates: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The coordinates.

  • total_atomic_energy: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs]) Type = torch.float32

    The summed up atomic energies.

  • raw_atomic_numbers: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes]) Type = torch.int64

    The raw mapped atomic numbers.

  • atomic_numbers: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes, num_elements]) Type = torch.float32

    The one-hot encoded atomic numbers.

  • cell: Shape = torch.Size([3, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The unit cell dimensions. This is used to compute distance and vectors when working in periodic systems.

  • cell_shift_vector: Shape = torch.Size([num_edges, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The shift vectors for the connected edges used to compute distances and vectors when working in periodic systems.

  • y_graph_scalars: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs, y_graph_scalars_num_tasks]) Type = torch.float32

    The graph level scalars references for the predictions.

  • y_edge_scalars: Shape = torch.Size([num_edges, y_edge_scalars_num_tasks]) Type = torch.float32

    The edge level scalars references for the predictions.

  • y_node_scalars: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes, y_node_scalars_num_tasks]) Type = torch.float32

    The node level scalars references for the predictions.

  • y_graph_vector: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The graph level vector references for the predictions.

  • y_edge_vector: Shape = torch.Size([num_edge, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The edge level vector references for the predictions.

  • y_node_vector: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The node level vector references for the predictions.

  • num_graphs: Shape = torch.Size([]) Type = torch.int64

    The number of graphs in the batch.

  • batch: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes]) Type = torch.int64

    The batch index of each node (which graph it belongs to).

  • ptr: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs + 1]) Type = torch.int64

    The cumulative number of nodes in each graph (with an extra 0 at the beginning).

An ANI model batch looks like

  • species: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs, max_num_nodes]) Type = torch.int64

    The mapped atom types padded up to the max number of nodes in the batch.

  • coordinates: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs, max_num_nodes, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The coordinates.

  • total_atomic_energy: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs]) Type = torch.float32

    The summed up atomic energies.

  • y_graph_scalars: Shape = torch.Size([num_graphs, y_graph_scalars_num_tasks]) Type = torch.float32

    The graph level scalars references for the predictions.

  • y_node_vector: Shape = torch.Size([num_nodes, 3]) Type = torch.float32

    The node level vector references for the predictions.

By default the precision for floating point number is float32 unless otherwise specified in the Trainer config


All optimizers from torch.optim can be used. We have created a serialisation for loading them via configs. The config has the following structure

  • name: The name of optimizer (from the torch.optim module).

  • config: A dict of the kwargs the optimizer takes.

scheduler config#

All schedulers from torch.optim.lr_scheduler can be used. We have created a serialisation for loading them via configs. The config has the following structure

  • name: The name of scheduler (from the torch.optim.lr_scheduler module).

  • config: A dict of the kwargs the scheduler takes.

  • interval: The interval to use (for schedulers like ReduceLROnPlateua).

  • frequency: The interval frequency to use (for schedulers like ReduceLROnPlateua).

  • monitor: The metric to monitor (for schedulers like ReduceLROnPlateua).

  • strict: Whether to fail or raise a warning if monitoring metric not found (for schedulers like ReduceLROnPlateua).