The MACE model as proposed in MACE: Higher Order Equivariant Message Passing Neural Networks for Fast and Accurate Force Fields .


The base mace_model as proposed in the original paper. It has the ability to output graph scalars, a graph vector, node scalars, and a node vector. The model has the following config

  • num_node_feats: int

    The number of node features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_edge_feats: int

    The number of edge features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_bessel: int = 8

    The number of bessel functions to use.

  • num_polynomial_cutoff: int = 5

    The cut-off polynomial envelope power.

  • max_ell: int = 3

    The maximum SO(3) irreps dimension to use in the model (during interactions).

  • num_interactions: int = 2

    The number of interaction layers.

  • hidden_irreps: str = "128x0e + 128x1o"

    The hidden irreps of the model.

  • mlp_irreps: str = "16x0e"

    The irreps of the output MLP.

  • avg_num_neighbours: Optional[float] = None

    The average number of neighbours in the dataset

  • correlation: int = 3

    The highest correlation order.

  • scaling_mean: float = 0.0

    The scaling mean of the model output. This is usually computed as the mean of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy) / molecule_num_atoms

  • scaling_std: float = 1.0

    The scaling std of the model output. This is usually computed as the std of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy)

  • compute_forces: bool = False

    Whether to compute forces as the gradient of the y_graph_scalars and use those as the y_node_vector output.

  • y_node_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_scalars.

  • y_node_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_edge_scalars.

  • y_graph_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_scalars.

  • y_graph_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_vector.

Supervised mean and variance#

The mean_var_mace_model which predicts a mean and variance for the y_graph_scalars during training and inference. It has the same comfig as the mace_model but without the ability to specify a y_graph_scalars_loss_config which is hardcoded to be the torch.nn.GaussianNLLLoss. The model config is as follows

  • num_node_feats: int

    The number of node features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_edge_feats: int

    The number of edge features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_bessel: int = 8

    The number of bessel functions to use.

  • num_polynomial_cutoff: int = 5

    The cut-off polynomial envelope power.

  • max_ell: int = 3

    The maximum SO(3) irreps dimension to use in the model (during interactions).

  • num_interactions: int = 2

    The number of interaction layers.

  • hidden_irreps: str = "128x0e + 128x1o"

    The hidden irreps of the model.

  • mlp_irreps: str = "16x0e"

    The irreps of the output MLP.

  • avg_num_neighbours: Optional[float] = None

    The average number of neighbours in the dataset

  • correlation: int = 3

    The highest correlation order.

  • scaling_mean: float = 0.0

    The scaling mean of the model output. This is usually computed as the mean of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy) / molecule_num_atoms

  • scaling_std: float = 1.0

    The scaling std of the model output. This is usually computed as the std of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy)

  • compute_forces: bool = False

    Whether to compute forces as the gradient of the y_graph_scalars and use those as the y_node_vector output.

  • y_node_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_scalars.

  • y_node_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_edge_scalars.

  • y_graph_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_vector.

Supervised feature scale-shift#

The ssf_mace_model which adds scale and shift for the hidden embeddings in the MACE model as proposed in Scaling & Shifting Your Features: A New Baseline for Efficient Model Tuning. This is useful for transfer learning. The config is the same as the mace_model. The model config is as follows

  • num_node_feats: int

    The number of node features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_edge_feats: int

    The number of edge features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_bessel: int = 8

    The number of bessel functions to use.

  • num_polynomial_cutoff: int = 5

    The cut-off polynomial envelope power.

  • max_ell: int = 3

    The maximum SO(3) irreps dimension to use in the model (during interactions).

  • num_interactions: int = 2

    The number of interaction layers.

  • hidden_irreps: str = "128x0e + 128x1o"

    The hidden irreps of the model.

  • mlp_irreps: str = "16x0e"

    The irreps of the output MLP.

  • avg_num_neighbours: Optional[float] = None

    The average number of neighbours in the dataset

  • correlation: int = 3

    The highest correlation order.

  • scaling_mean: float = 0.0

    The scaling mean of the model output. This is usually computed as the mean of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy) / molecule_num_atoms

  • scaling_std: float = 1.0

    The scaling std of the model output. This is usually computed as the std of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy)

  • compute_forces: bool = False

    Whether to compute forces as the gradient of the y_graph_scalars and use those as the y_node_vector output.

  • y_node_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_scalars.

  • y_node_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_edge_scalars.

  • y_graph_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_scalars.

  • y_graph_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_vector.

Supervised adapters#

The adapter_mace_model which adds adapters at the beginning and end of the message passing backbone of the MACE model as proposed in AdapterGNN. This is useful for transfer learning. The config is the same as the mace_model but with the added kwargs for ratio_adapter_down and initial_s. The model config is as follows

  • num_node_feats: int

    The number of node features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_edge_feats: int

    The number of edge features. Must be equal to the initial node feature dimension (sum of one-hot encoded features).

  • num_bessel: int = 8

    The number of bessel functions to use.

  • num_polynomial_cutoff: int = 5

    The cut-off polynomial envelope power.

  • max_ell: int = 3

    The maximum SO(3) irreps dimension to use in the model (during interactions).

  • num_interactions: int = 2

    The number of interaction layers.

  • hidden_irreps: str = "128x0e + 128x1o"

    The hidden irreps of the model.

  • mlp_irreps: str = "16x0e"

    The irreps of the output MLP.

  • avg_num_neighbours: Optional[float] = None

    The average number of neighbours in the dataset

  • correlation: int = 3

    The highest correlation order.

  • ratio_adapter_down: int = 10

    The ratio of the down layer in the adapters.

  • initial_s: float = 0.01

    The starting value of the s parameter for combining the outputs from the adapters and the message passing backbone.

  • scaling_mean: float = 0.0

    The scaling mean of the model output. This is usually computed as the mean of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy) / molecule_num_atoms

  • scaling_std: float = 1.0

    The scaling std of the model output. This is usually computed as the std of (molecule_energy - molecule_self_energy)

  • compute_forces: bool = False

    Whether to compute forces as the gradient of the y_graph_scalars and use those as the y_node_vector output.

  • y_node_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_node_scalars.

  • y_node_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_edge_scalars.

  • y_graph_scalars_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_scalars.

  • y_graph_vector_loss_config: Optional[Dict] = None

    The loss config for the y_graph_vector.