Lightning layer#

Training deep learning models involves a lot of boilerplate code. From loading the data, to batching, to writing training loops, the overhead builds up quite quickly (not to mention the complexity of training on multiple devices/GPUs). Since model training is such a crucial step, a lot of care needs to be given to all of these aspects to do it efficiently and robustly. This requires a team of dedicated experts from machine learning practitioners to software engineers.

This is why we opted to choose lightning to handle all of the training code in physicsml. lightning is a library that provides a high level API for training deep learning models (using torch) which combines both robustness, efficiency, and complete flexibility to suit all sorts of applications. For more information, see Lightning.

Inner workings#

In this section we briefly discuss the different aspects of lightning and how they are used in the physicsml package. There are three main parts: modules, datamodules, and Trainers.


The lightning module contains all of the torch model code for the model to function. It has the familiar forward pass (and is a bona fide torch.nn.Module). But, there is a lot more functionality built on top. It defines the training_step (and validation_step) which are responsible for computing the loss of a batch passed though the model. modules also handle instantiating the optimizers and schedulers and can also perform logging. They also provide complete flexibility to modify every part of the training loop via callbacks. For more information, see Lightning Module and Lightning callbacks.

The physicsml package builds on top of this to provide a tailored module for 3d based models.


The lightning datamodule is responsible for handling the data during training. It is essentially a wrapper around what is usually the train_dataloader and the validation_dataloader to make the data handling more self-contained. For more information, see Lightning datamodule.


The lightning Trainer is the main class responsible for training. It uses both the module and the datamodule to run the training. It sets up the training using its specified config and relies on the methods defined in the module to run the training. For more information, see Lightning Trainer.


In the physicsml package, access to all of these objects is done via configs (which are validated via dataclasses). In this section, we go over the configs for the above components.

module config#

The module configs are specific to each model architecture. They specify the hyperparameters of the models. For more information about the config for each model type, see models.

datamodule config#

The datamodule config controls all aspects of dataloading. It takes in the follows kwargs

  • train: Dict[str, Any] = {"batch_size": 1}

    Dictionary responsible for defining the train dataset’s batch_size.

  • validation: Dict[str, Any] = {"batch_size": 1}

    Dictionary responsible for defining the validation dataset’s batch_size.

  • predict: Dict[str, Any] = {"batch_size": 1}

    Dictionary responsible for defining the predict dataset’s batch_size.

  • num_workers: Optional[str, int] = 0

    The number of workers to use. Can set to "all" to use all workers. If running on CPU only machine make sure to set to 0 (otherwise processes can hang).

  • num_elements: int = 0

    The number of atomic elements used (for example 4 in ANI1x).

  • ``graph_attrs_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None

    The names of the graph attributes in the input dataset to be concatenated and added to the batch.

  • y_node_scalars: Optional[List[str]] = None

    The subset of y_features which are node level scalars (for example partial charges).

  • y_node_vector: Optional[str] = None

    The feature fromy_features which is a node level vector.

  • y_edge_scalars: Optional[List[str]] = None

    The subset of y_features which are edge level scalars.

  • y_edge_vector: Optional[str] = None

    The feature fromy_features which is a edge level vector.

  • y_graph_scalars: Optional[List[str]] = None

    The subset of y_features which are graph level scalars.

  • y_graph_vector: Optional[str] = None

    The feature fromy_features which is a graph level vector (for example forces).

  • cut_off: float = 5.0

    The cut-off for determining the neighbourhoods.

  • pbc: Optional[Tuple[bool, bool, bool]] = None

    Whether to use periodic boundary conditions.

  • cell: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None

    The dimensions of the unit cell for periodic boundary conditions.

  • self_interaction: bool = False

    Whether to include self connections (i.e. edges from an atom to itself).

  • pre_batch: Optional[Literal["in_memory", "on_disk"]] = None

    Pre-batching method. Speeds up dataloading and allows for training with minimal CPUs. Can be pre batching in memory (for datasets up to 1M datapoints) or on disk (for larger datasets).

Trainer config#

The Trainer config controls all aspects of training. It is defined in the Lightning docs but we show the most useful kwargs here again for convenience

  • accelerator: str = "auto"

    The accelerator or device to use for training ("cpu", "gpu", etc…)

  • devices: Union[List[int], str, int] = "auto"

    The number or list of devices to use.

  • strategy: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]] = "auto"

    The strategy to use ("auto", "ddp", etc..)

  • callbacks: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], None] = None

    The callbacks to use. A list of dictionaries specifying the name and config of each callback.

  • default_root_dir: Optional[str] = "training"

    The dir in which to save the logs and checkpoints.

  • enable_checkpointing: bool = False

    Whether to enable checkpointing or not.

  • max_epochs: Optional[int] = 1

    The maximum number of epochs to run for.

  • min_epochs: Optional[int] = None

    The minimum number of epochs to run for.

  • precision: Union[int, str] = 32

    The precision to use (32 or 64).

  • gradient_clip_algorithm: Optional[str] = None

    The gradient clipping algorithm to use (norm or value).

  • gradient_clip_val: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None

    The value to clip at.

Restarting training from a checkpoint#

The lightning Trainer provides a way to continue training from a saved checkpoint. We surface this at the train method of the model since it used in the method (and not at instantiation)
